
 Ms. Marion, Karaoke Queen!

I love to sing.  I have never claimed to be any good at it, but I don't care.  Everyone is different and I'm delighted with the other gifts I have been blessed with.  But I do like to sing, and I am of the belief that people should do what makes them happy (as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's happiness) and share the talents they have been given, whether they are mighty talents (Jackie Evancho's) or little talents like mine.

About ten years ago, I met a short little gal (under 5' tall) named Marion who was in her 80s and who also loved to sing.  As a matter of fact, we lovingly called her the Karaoke Queen.  She wasn't afraid of anything.  There was only one minor problem (but it didn't phase her!)--she usually sang off key.  She would tackle any song any time, and she was organizer of the karaoke group in the singles club I used to go to.  Bless her heart.  I never met a more courageous woman.

One night I hosted a karaoke party at my house.  When it was over and time to go, Marion wanted to sing "one more song" and then "one more song" and then, you guessed it, "one more song."  Finally, she was ready to give up.  I forget which one it was she closed the party down with, but I do remember it ended on a high note that she struggled to reach.  Nevertheless, sing it she did in between spurts, and then gales, of  laughter, finally ending up rolling on the floor with the microphone singing that one last note.  It was a riot.  She was fearless.  What an inspiration; everyone loved her.

So Marion was my inspiration.  Do what what makes you happy regardless of what other people think about it.  If you can make others happy in the process, then all the better.

I just happen to have some photos from that night to share.

This was me (left) and my best friend, Patti.  She was a great gal.  Unfortunately, we ended up going our separate ways.  Nevertheless, I do remember the good times.

I don't go out to Karaoke spots anymore, but I still do sing for my own pleasure and anyone else who wants to listen.

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