Yadah Ahayah!

The number one, all-consuming thing in my life is knowing my Creator, the One I call "Dad" (Abba), my Father.  The first and most important thing to know about someone is his name.  If we don't know his name, it's a fairly safe assumption to say that we don't really know the person.  Yet, many people say they know the Creator of the universe, but haven't a clue as to what His Name is.  Nor do they know His character, which is also a component of a person's "name."

For example, Christians are always talking about "Jesus," never realizing for a moment that until about 500 years ago, there was never any hint of anyone named "Jesus."  How do I know?  Because there was no letter "J" in any alphabet, and certainly not in the Hebrew alef-beit; Hebrew being the language and nation of their Messiah.  How can this be?  To make matters worse, when you tell them, they don't care!  They continue using an invented name just as if that had been his birth name.  Nor do they know his character, as they assume, and will tell anyone who says anything different, that the Torah was done away with IN SPITE of the fact that he himself said that not one yod or title of the Torah would be done away with as long as the heavens and earth remain.  Yet they prefer to believe the word of one man (Paul of Tarsus) over that of the very Messiah himself, whose name they don't even know.  But, more on that later.  Right now, I want to show anyone who might be interested what I have learned thus far about the Name of the One Whom I serve.

About the title:

Yadah means "to know"
Hayah means "to exist"

(As a side note, "hayah" is spelled the same backward and forward.  You can ponder that and draw your own conclusions regarding it.)

Exo 3:14 And Elohim said to Mosheh, “I am that which I am.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”

Dr. Shmuel Asher states that "The (א) = Alef prefix makes a verb refer to one’s self – (personally). The (י)= Yod prefix relates the verb to someone else – (impersonal) – (yhwh = He that is) vs. (AHYH = I exist forever) – Thus, proper name!"

Therefore, I conclude that our Creator's proper and true Name is Ahayah. It is to be used and pronounced; not hidden as Christians and Jews have been accustomed to do.  Christians have substituted the word "LORD" and Jews have substituted "Adon" or "HaShem" in its place.

An additional note:  I should probably clarify something, as the spelling variations puzzled me for quite awhile. According to a note found in "The Scriptures" translation, the Heḇrew text reads: ’eyeh ’asher ’eyeh, the word ’eyeh being derived from hayah which means to be, to exist, but the Aramaic text here in v. 14 reads: ayah ashar ayah.

Update 11-19-12

 Very interesting.  Since I started studying this, not only has considerably more information come to light, but so has what I considered to be a subtle threat (or warning, you decide) against using this Name.  Judge for yourself.   

So there is more study to do.  I will update again at a later date.

 "...someone using AHYA as His Name is walking dangerously close - albeit from a lack of contextual understanding - to usurping the authority and proxy that YHWH gave to only two people in history. It places oneself in the position OF YHWH. Further, not using YHWH as His Name defies His direct commandment to us that such is to be His Name, not to mention the numerous times such commandment is reiterated in Tanakh."

Read more: http://tshuva.boards.net/index.cgi?action=display&board=generalnonlunar&thread=307&page=1#ixzz2CgKyPuQP

Update 11-22-12

This morning, I was blessed to find a link to this wonderful study by Dr. Shmuel Asher posted on my Facebook wall.  Perhaps you will enjoy it as much as I did.  I believe he is absolutely correct.

Bayith HaTorah Podcast Teachings: The Name of AHEYEH!: Audio teachings from the Bayith HaTorah weekly conference calls. We are posting the weekly conference calls here for you and in addition, th...

omeone using AHYA as His Name is walking dangerously close - albeit from a lack of contextual understanding - to usurping the authority and proxy that YHWH gave to only two people in history. It places oneself in the position OF YHWH. Further, not using YHWH as His Name defies His direct commandment to us that such is to be His Name, not to mention the numerous times such commandment is reiterated in Tanakh.

Read more: http://tshuva.boards.net/index.cgi?action=display&board=generalnonlunar&thread=307&page=1#ixzz2CgKyPuQP
someone using AHYA as His Name is walking dangerously close - albeit from a lack of contextual understanding - to usurping the authority and proxy that YHWH gave to only two people in history. It places oneself in the position OF YHWH. Further, not using YHWH as His Name defies His direct commandment to us that such is to be His Name, not to mention the numerous times such commandment is reiterated in Tanakh.

Read more: http://tshuva.boards.net/index.cgi?action=display&board=generalnonlunar&thread=307&page=1#ixzz2CgKlmqDP

someone using AHYA as His Name is walking dangerously close - albeit from a lack of contextual understanding - to usurping the authority and proxy that YHWH gave to only two people in history. It places oneself in the position OF YHWH. Further, not using YHWH as His Name defies His direct commandment to us that such is to be His Name, not to mention the numerous times such commandment is reiterated in Tanakh.

Read more: http://tshuva.boards.net/index.cgi?action=display&board=generalnonlunar&thread=307&page=1#ixzz2CgKlmqDP

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