Saturday, June 8, 2013


Life is full of PARADOXES.  I was house sitting for a blind man over the weekend.  I spent a great deal of time sitting on the sofa next the lamp reading.  I started to feel things crawling on me and then I spotted one of the creatures which was very tiny and jumped very quickly.  FLEAS!  By the time I left the house on Monday morning, I was so bitten by these horrible creatures that I was red all over and in great misery.  I went home and slathered my on-fire body with chickweed ointment, which did give some relief.  But I had to go back the next day to install timers on the lights and naturally, one of them was right next to the flea-infested sofa and I got a second round of bites.  Coming home, all I wanted to do was tear off my clothes, which I was certain still harbored these monsters, but my gas tank was empty and it was a long drive, so I had to stop for gas.  My sense of modesty overcame my deep desire to strip to the skin right there at the gas pump as I could feel the little critters trapped in my long skirt continuing to chomp away at my flesh.

WHERE could these things have come from?  The blind man has no cats or dogs.  Then it hit me.  He had told me about some people from the CHURCH who came to visit him and…brought their DOG with them!  First of all, I can’t begin to imagine how anyone could be so RUDE as to bring their dog unannounced to someone else’s home and expect to be granted entry.  But most people are too polite to tell them to leave the dog outside, so they are more or less a captive audience.  But to bring a FLEA-RIDDEN dog to a BLIND MAN’s house, is unconscionable!  First of all, he can’t see the fleas, so he has no idea what is attacking him.  (He thought it was ants, and when he told me about it, I had thought it was ants that got on him from the orange trees out back.  I had no idea they were fleas in his house!)  So here is PARADOX ONE:  Christians, who are taught to love their neighbor and “do unto others”, come to visit bringing a flea-ridden dog.  Thankfully, the blind man rarely sat on the sofa and they seemed to be concentrated there where the dog usually sat (on the carpet), so his bites were not too bad, thankfully.  (By the way, this went on for several months before he asked them not to come anymore.  It was not just a one-time deal; it was their PRACTICE.)

SECOND PARADOX:  I love hot showers.  I find the hot water comforting.  I hate cold showers.  The problem is, heat tends to activate flea bites while cold tends to shut down the itching.  So the very thing I find the most comfort in results in the most misery.

THIRD PARADOX:  It occurred to me that this must be tied in with my personal karmic debt.  (Yes, I do believe in karma; it is called sowing and reaping in the Bible.)  It occurred to me that relatively speaking, this was a light sentence for all the years I condoned the slaying of animals to satisfy my lusts for their flesh to consume, their skins to wear, and their feathers for my sleeping comfort.  I have repented of that (I’m now an ethical vegan), but it hasn’t escaped me that instead of me eating them now, the tables have been turned and they are eating me.

There are several morals to this story.  Perhaps something here will be relevant to your life and circumstances.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

How Does The Month Begin?

Lunar Sabbaths according to the First Visible Crescent (FVC) are cycles of darkness.  They begin in darkness and end in darkness.

- OR -


Lunar Sabbaths according to the Full Moon as head of the month are cycles of light.  They begin in light and end in light.

I have come out of darkness into the light.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rethinking Facebook Involvement

I've been giving this Facebook thing some serious thought recently and I have come to some conclusions about it. First of all, it is called "Facebook" because this is the place where people are free to GET IN YOUR FACE. What that means is, no matter what you post (which side of an issue you are on), SOMEONE is going to take exception to what you have to say. That leaves a couple of options (for those who are brave enough to venture past clicking  the "like" button). One is to quietly (and wimpily, I might add) say nothing and walk away. Another is to try to politely converse or maybe even reason with the objectors. A third is to stand your ground knowing full well that doing so will most certainly offend someone and you and your mother will be accused of all manner of things. The final thing, which hopefully the more civilized among us will not resort to, is all-out war. Somewhere in those options you can also expect to be defriended. (Sometimes I think people re-friend just so they can defriend a little more loudly the next time around.)

So what is the bottom line here? Well, you're going to have to make your own decisions, of course. But as for me, I have decided that the friends I have here (and the ones I have yet to meet) are far more important to me than having to duck the fiery darts of the bozos who don't yet know how to control their angry and sarcastic passions.

Having said that, I will continue to post anything and everything (including comments) that seem to me to be appropriate, funny, or informational. If you like it, great. If you don't like it, T.S. It is what it is.

The fact of the matter is, I get more news and information from Facebook (albeit some is highly questionable, therefore a good filter is necessary!) than any other place on the planet. The other sad fact is, I doubt that this will go on for too much longer without serious government intervention. So I should enjoy it while I still have that option.

By the way, if you get offended by some comment I make, please don't take it personally. I don't hate you. I just refuse to be bullied. (I know a few folks who might confirm that if you ask them.) The other thing is, I notice that quite a bit of the time, people take things in a way other than it was intended. That I can't really help. People look at the world through different glasses, so past experiences often re-color present ones. Just make sure the glasses you are looking through are clear.

Now where did I set my coffee?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The "Sixth Commandment"

The Sixth Commandment - Do Not Murder or Do Not Kill?

 Someone posted this on Facebook this morning:  

"Abortion means terminating pregnancy  Terminate means to bring to an end.  The end is death. Therefore, abortion is murder."

Bingo.  It just occurred to me why people quibble over whether the word in the sixth commandment should be translated as "kill" or as "murder."  Translating it as "kill" would infer that putting to death any sentient being is wrong.  But if they translate it as "murder" then they can argue that it only applies to human beings.   Those in favor of abortion refer to an unborn baby as a "fetus"--in other words, not human yet.  But they cannot deny that it is a sentient being.  Interestingly enough, as I've written elsewhere, even  anti-abortionists get very upset when their "pro-life" designator is called into question.  Everyone draws a line for whose life is valuable, but Yah says ALL life is valuable and we do not have the right to take the life of any sentient being.

I have often heard people claim that it's o.k. to kill someone in self-defense.  But is it really?  Our Messiah said, 

Mat 5:38  "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

It doesn't sound to me like he would condone the taking of a life under any circumstances.  As a matter of fact, he did not fight back or resist even when his own life was being taken.

Do we really believe and follow his teachings, or is it all merely lip service?

Yes, the way is narrow, which leads to life, and few find it.

I am a pacifist.  I do not believe in taking the life of another under any circumstances.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

If anything ever happens to my dearly beloved, I would opt for the single life.  It's not that I have regrets, it's just that I'm an organized person and he is not.  For instance, I like to find things where I left them, and in the same condition that I left them in, but in my house that is merely a pipe dream.  I find cupboard doors and drawers left open, trash left on the sink just a few inches from the trash bag, every square inch of counter space filled with something.   

But thank goodness for paper towels.   You see, when I finish using the blender, I turn all the knobs back to the off and low positions.  I usually check them when I use it the next time (experience has taught me to do that), but not always.  Sometimes, when I just want to blend something on low, I will do it using the lid.  But it never fails that the ONE time I forget to check the knob positions before I start to blend without the lid, hubby has already used the blender in the meantime, and you guessed it, he left it on high.

There is good news this morning though.  My kitchen smells really fresh coconut. 

Paul the Gnostic

Speaking of Carol (previous post, which was yesterday's post, posted a day late), did you catch her comment about "God coming in the FORM of a servant?"  Keep that in mind as you watch this video with regard to that deceiver, "Apostle" Paul.  His influence has spread far and wide.  Once again, it is no wonder Yahusha warned us of the broad road the many are on that leads to destruction.  If Christianity is not a broad road, I don't know what is.

Who is Karen?

Act 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.  (Note:  This is not an endorsement of Acts.)

Yesterday morning I became involved in a conversation with a woman named Carol.  I probably could not retell the story better than it actually happened, so I will just repost it as it occurred.

Carol’s original post was the little saying in the orange box: 

Here is where the name "Tuesday" comes from. It means "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Norse mythology.

What do the Scriptures say? Exo 23:13 “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth."

I think it would a good thing to avoid using these pagan weekday names and instead maybe call them "Day 1", "Day 2," etc. Hard to do in this pagan society, but I sure wouldn't go out of my way to use pagan names in light of the instruction in Exo 23.

I do not lift up the day but THE GOD OF THE LIGHT.. I trust HIm and know that I am under His shadow and in HIS arms by HIS saving grace. He is my Daily bread and all suffiecient GOD as I yield to HIM today.. thank you
It just seems odd to associate our AWESOME Creator with the name of a pagan god. Were you aware of where the name came from?

The days and times are to keep things in line concerning our time here on earth. We are all in need of boundaries and the LORD has allowed days, months and years to be part of what is temporal for now.

Yesterday was MONDAY and today is TUESDAY and tomorrow is WEDNESDAY. We are all a part of this and will be until HE COME
In the grand scheme of things, the pagan names are recent additions. This is the world's way, but we have been told to come out of the world. To me, that means abandoning those pagan customs and traditions that are associated with the goyim (Gentiles/pagans). In the Scriptures, the days were called yom rishon, yom shanee, yom shlishi, yom revi'i, yom chameshi, yom shishi, and shabbat. (i.e., Day 1, or first day, Day 2, etc.) But you didn't answer my question, which was were you aware of the pagan connection? I'm guessing maybe not. Don't feel bad, though. I didn't know it either for a long time.

The real question is, are you one of the goyim or are you one of the yahudim? (That is a rhetorical question you don't have to answer. Just something to think about. Shalom!)

I may not know it all as to where you are coming from..but coming out of the WORLD is our journey out from and into..Our journey is still proceeding and even though I am in the world , I am not of it.

Do you believe in JESUS as being your only way of entering into the KINGDOM OF GOD !!

Absolutely not. There was never anyone named "Jesus." I do believe that Yah sent His Messiah, however. But I am not a Paulinist (i.e., I do not believe that faith alone saves anyone, nor do I believe in the Jesus of Christianity [or in Christianity at all, for that matter]), who to them was someone who did away with the necessity of observing the Torah, (which is not law, but instructions from my loving Father) regardless of what he said about NOT doing away with it.

But what I believe is beside the point, Carol. I'm just trying to share with you information that you may not have been aware of. I wasn't being critical of you at all. 

Not a problem.. just answering you as best as I could. I am a true believer in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and am a FOLLOWER of the KING of kings..
Possibly different ground that we have settled upon. Jesus is my ROCK and HE is my HIDING PLACE as the prophet Isaiah prophecied.. YES, HE is my TRUTH..

There never was any man ever called "Jesus" 2000 years ago, so I'm not sure who exactly it is you are referring to.

My heart goes out to THE ALMIGHTY GOD who is GOD of heaven and earth who came to earth in the FORM of a servant in order to save men from sin and from themselves. HE is our only HOPE and if you and anyone else reject what THE ALMIGHTY has given in THIS MAN.. there is no other help provided. THE LAW will condemn you and tell you the truth..................but it is NOT THE LAW that saves a man. The law CANNOT BLEED for anotther.
May your eyes be opened to HIM; THIS SAME JESUS that you may be saved unto eternal life.

 Yes , it is a SILENT NIGHT without JESUS.

You are completely missing the point, Karen. His name was NOT Jesus. How much more plainly can I say it? Why do Christians insist upon calling him by a name that is obviously not his name?

A Rose is a ROSE no matter what you call it.. IT is still a ROSE.. and the ROSE OF SHARON IS LIVING IN MY HEART AS HIS VERY OWN WITNESS..

Not necessarily, Karen. But I don't want this to turn into a debate, so I will leave off the discussion now. Shalom.

WHO is Karen ..

My POINT exactly.