Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rethinking Facebook Involvement

I've been giving this Facebook thing some serious thought recently and I have come to some conclusions about it. First of all, it is called "Facebook" because this is the place where people are free to GET IN YOUR FACE. What that means is, no matter what you post (which side of an issue you are on), SOMEONE is going to take exception to what you have to say. That leaves a couple of options (for those who are brave enough to venture past clicking  the "like" button). One is to quietly (and wimpily, I might add) say nothing and walk away. Another is to try to politely converse or maybe even reason with the objectors. A third is to stand your ground knowing full well that doing so will most certainly offend someone and you and your mother will be accused of all manner of things. The final thing, which hopefully the more civilized among us will not resort to, is all-out war. Somewhere in those options you can also expect to be defriended. (Sometimes I think people re-friend just so they can defriend a little more loudly the next time around.)

So what is the bottom line here? Well, you're going to have to make your own decisions, of course. But as for me, I have decided that the friends I have here (and the ones I have yet to meet) are far more important to me than having to duck the fiery darts of the bozos who don't yet know how to control their angry and sarcastic passions.

Having said that, I will continue to post anything and everything (including comments) that seem to me to be appropriate, funny, or informational. If you like it, great. If you don't like it, T.S. It is what it is.

The fact of the matter is, I get more news and information from Facebook (albeit some is highly questionable, therefore a good filter is necessary!) than any other place on the planet. The other sad fact is, I doubt that this will go on for too much longer without serious government intervention. So I should enjoy it while I still have that option.

By the way, if you get offended by some comment I make, please don't take it personally. I don't hate you. I just refuse to be bullied. (I know a few folks who might confirm that if you ask them.) The other thing is, I notice that quite a bit of the time, people take things in a way other than it was intended. That I can't really help. People look at the world through different glasses, so past experiences often re-color present ones. Just make sure the glasses you are looking through are clear.

Now where did I set my coffee?

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