Wednesday, November 14, 2012

If anything ever happens to my dearly beloved, I would opt for the single life.  It's not that I have regrets, it's just that I'm an organized person and he is not.  For instance, I like to find things where I left them, and in the same condition that I left them in, but in my house that is merely a pipe dream.  I find cupboard doors and drawers left open, trash left on the sink just a few inches from the trash bag, every square inch of counter space filled with something.   

But thank goodness for paper towels.   You see, when I finish using the blender, I turn all the knobs back to the off and low positions.  I usually check them when I use it the next time (experience has taught me to do that), but not always.  Sometimes, when I just want to blend something on low, I will do it using the lid.  But it never fails that the ONE time I forget to check the knob positions before I start to blend without the lid, hubby has already used the blender in the meantime, and you guessed it, he left it on high.

There is good news this morning though.  My kitchen smells really fresh coconut. 

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