Sunday, November 11, 2012

Why I'm Leaving Facebook

One of the things I despise about Facebook is the ability of people to cause disruption and then disappear into thin air as if nothing ever happened, totally oblivious of the wake of devastation they leave behind.  It is for this reason that I am leaving.  Oh, I will probably still post a few pictures of animals every now and then, but as for any attempts at any kind of meaningful conversation, most likely not.

I am sick of people who fake being offended over nothing and I am even sicker of people who do the  hit-and-run act, dropping their word bombs and then disappearing into thin air, totally oblivious of the aftermath they have caused.  If I try to find out what it was I said that supposedly offended them, I either get a shit load of grief or I am totally ignored. 

I really do think that in today's world, there is some kind of sadistic reward for feeling "righteously offended."  Well, I'm not playing that game.  As I once told someone else, I would rather have no friends at all than people who treat me like that, and I mean it.  I am much happier by myself most of the time.  

As a social experiment, I think Facebook has failed.  As a way of keeping tabs on the pulse of society, it probably does a pretty good job.  But it will have to do it without me. 

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