Monday, November 12, 2012

The Human Design

Have you taken time to contemplate the design of the human body?  No?  Well, neither have I, for the most part.  I mean after all, who really has time these days to just sit around and think?  I count it a blessing if I can grab hold of a thought as it goes flying by before it's gone forever.  Perhaps another sign of growing old.

But years ago, I was blessed to read a book entitled Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, or something like that.  I read about the incredible design of the human eye and the perfection of the design of the human hand so that it functions perfectly, and I was totally amazed.  But that was someone else who had studied the subject in great detail and knew all about nerves and tendons and all the things that make these body parts work the way they do.  I could never have imagined any of that on my own.  I don't know about the minute inner workings of the human body.  I'm just a simple person.  I don't even have enough imagination to write decent poetry, though I have tried I time or two, failed miserably, and then decided it would probably best be left to those gifted in that direction..

But I was sitting here this evening looking at this sweet little face...

... and I started doing some thinking of my own.  What if our Creator had made human beings and animals faceless?  Or what if he had given us a face, but it was expressionless, like a robot?  (Ooo...better watch out for botox...)  What if we had no ability to smile or frown, or cry ?  Crying even comes with an added feature...tears!  One human being can look into the eyes of another and see his soul, or so it is said.  As a matter of fact, facial features speak a language all their own, quite separate and distinct from verbal communication.  They can be extremely subtle, so subtle that people not trained in reading them would not even notice give-away micro expressions which hint at deception, for instance.  And yet...maybe they are not missed, but the communication happens on a level so subtle that it is often referred to as a "gut feeling."  Hmmm...

Look at that face.  What do you see?  I see innocence and sweetness, and love.  It's unmistakeable.  What a wonderful gift our Creator has bestowed upon His creation.

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