Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Homeless Guy

Why can't people just mind their own business? There's been a homeless guy in our (business) neighborhood for about the last three years. He's been to death's door and back at least twice that I know of in that short space of time, but recently he's gotten a job and a home, of sorts. It's an old motor home someone sold him. We asked all the business owners in our complex if they had any problem with him parking it behind our store and they all said "No problem." In fact, they (and we) are happy because he keeps an eye on things at night and chases off would-be graffiti artists and vandals/thieves.

Well, wouldn't you know, here came the police to our store the other day wanting to know who owns the vehicle and informing us that they were already writing a citation and had called the tow truck to haul it away (because it's not registered yet). What is the matter with these people anyway? They act first and ask questions later? This man wasn't harming anyone, he's parked on private property, isn't a nuisance, and because someone with nothing better to do than try to make trouble for someone else by "complaining," they waste time and money and cause trouble for a guy who is really trying hard to get off the street? Whatever happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

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